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Uncover Special Tax Deductions Ending December 2022

Uncover Special Tax Deductions Ending December 2022

Recover Overpayments from Previous Years and Lower Your Next Quarterly Estimated Tax Bill by Taking Advantage of Laws for Tax Deductions Ending December 2022   The CARES Act of 2020 significantly changed tax depreciation allowances for retail businesses under the...

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Alert! New Updates to the 179D Energy Tax Deduction

Alert! New Updates to the 179D Energy Tax Deduction

Big Changes Are Coming to the 179D Energy Tax Deduction in January 2023   On Tuesday, August 16, 2022, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) into law – one of the most sweeping climate bills ever created. The IRA is a massive piece of...

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Who Benefits from Fixed Asset Management Strategies?

Who Benefits from Fixed Asset Management Strategies?

Fixed Asset Management Can Improve Your Financial Efficiency – But Is It Right for You   Nearly two-thirds of large enterprises are using fixed asset technologies as an integrated module to their ERP, and studies conducted by Aberdeen research firm show that...

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What Is Fixed Asset Depreciation?

What Is Fixed Asset Depreciation?

Fixed Asset Depreciation Can Be a Headache or a Breeze – You Choose Fixed assets are company assets that have an expected useful life of more than one year, such as buildings, office equipment, or machinery. Over time, these items depreciate in value until they have...

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4 Key Tax Strategies to Generate Cash Flow

4 Key Tax Strategies to Generate Cash Flow

The past few years have brought considerable changes to the tax codes. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), and Energy Policy Act (EPACT) offer immense opportunities for companies to accelerate or increase...

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Top 9 Cash Flow Planning Tips

Top 9 Cash Flow Planning Tips

It’s financial reporting and tax time. Do you want more write-offs to offset income? Are you struggling to get more cash flow? Are you mired too deeply in other activities to do something about this? Let us help you. Here are nine Cash Flow Planning Tips that are sure...

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