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Heat Up Tracking for Your Sage Assets with the New Asset Maintenance Feature


Sage Fixed Assets – Tracking has introduced a brand-new feature called Asset Maintenance. It empowers you to schedule maintenance on your Sage assets, create work orders for maintenance, monitor overdue maintenance tasks, and track your estimated vs. actual maintenance costs.

This new feature as well as others are available now for Sage Fixed Assets Subscription License only so if you have a perpetual license of Sage Fixed Assets, ask us how to upgrade to subscription now!

Watch these 4 videos about this new feature that will help you get started today.


Video 1: Understanding the Asset Maintenance Feature


This video helps you:

  • Understand the Maintenance List functions
  • View and use the Asset Detail screen
  • Gain an overview of how to use Asset Review

With the Maintenance List, you can view your Sage assets needing maintenance, create maintenance work orders, export data to Excel, or modify your maintenance events. Save time by updating multiple assets at once or create and use SmartLists for your maintenance fields.

Want to go more in depth? The Asset Detail screens help you track cumulative maintenance costs and view a complete log of maintenance events. For at-a-glance maintenance updates, turn to the Asset Review. This handy, color-coded screen keeps you up to date on overdue checked-out assets and upcoming maintenance events.

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Video 2: How to Customize the Maintenance List

This video helps you:

  • Access step-by-step training on using the Maintenance List
  • Understand your options for reorganizing and optimizing your Maintenance List
  • Confidently navigate bold fields, asterisked fields, and immovable fields

There are a total of 77 fields available in the Maintenance List (26 of them customizable).  With so many options, you need to carefully consider how you set up your List. Add, remove, or rearrange columns to get the information you need instantly, so you know what to expect for maintenance on your Sage assets.

Like your other asset lists in Sage Fixed Assets, you can customize which columns display — and in which order — with the familiar arrows or drag-and-drop you’ve been using all along in Sage.

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Video 3: How to Customize Maintenance Fields

This video helps you:

  • Set up custom fields to meet your organization’s unique requirements
  • Choose which fields to view or hide, and determine data-entry rules
  • Reorder your screens to view maintenance event information your way

Expert tip: Before you create any maintenance events for your Sage assets, customize your maintenance fields to meet your organization’s specific requirements. Spending a few hours on this task before you start using Asset Maintenance will save you many hours for years to come.

You have a total of 26 custom fields available for Asset Maintenance. For each of these, you will want to customize the field’s title, select whether you want to hide or show the field, and set up your data-entry rules. The Maintenance Due Date and Maintenance Description fields are required and cannot be changed.

Make sure you leverage the Entry Order dropdown to specify where your custom field will show up on your Maintenance Events screen. For example, a custom field that tracks mileage for a maintenance event should probably display at the end of your Maintenance Events screen, not as the first item.

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Video 4: Navigate the Maintenance Event Screens

This video helps you:

  • Understand how and where custom maintenance fields display, so you know what your end goal is
  • Discover the top 3 recommended custom fields you should create
  • Close events the correct way

The Maintenance Event screens provide key details on the various tasks and updates required for each of your Sage assets. These screens display how many events you have per asset, as well as the status of each event. Status can be either upcoming, overdue, completed, or closed.

Use the Notes section to track and record lengthier information about each maintenance event. We recommend recording things like maintenance instructions, observations, or updates regarding the current state of the asset.

These event screens are where the magic of your custom maintenance fields really start to shine. If you create custom fields like Maintenance Complete Date, Maintenance Estimated Cost, and Actual Cost, your company will have the power to track your fixed asset maintenance like never before.

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Get Started Today Using Asset Maintenance for Your Sage Assets

Sage Fixed Assets 2024 has been available since August 2023 and it sure is an impressive release with a wide range of great new features and functions.  See what you can achieve with your asset management in 2024 and beyond.


Reach Out to Paragon to Discuss Your Upgrade


Serving clients since 1985, Paragon International, Inc. provides independent, impartial and accurate cost segregation analyses, and property valuations and appraisals to assist in and support decisions related to taxes, risk management, investment, financing and corporate planning. Our consultants have extensive fixed asset experience – they’re fixed asset experts. Because of that we are able to offer a unique combination of irreplaceable human resources and advanced technology. We have specialists experienced in valuing closely-held securities, patents and other intangible assets, business enterprises, buildings, equipment and real estate. In addition, Paragon provides complete inventory and asset management services and solutions, including software customization and training, barcode labels and scanners, and tailored inventory services such as data conversion and integration, asset inventories, asset policies, cost reconciliation, and appraisal services. Contact Paragon International to discover how we can help you.

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